Sunday 6 January 2013

Final Project:Understanding Another Nation’s Culture

           Higher Colleges of Technology - Abu Dhabi Men’s College


Final Project:  Understanding another Nation’s Culture


Done by:                                                                               Section: CJD

Fahad  Abdulaziz Al Awadi / ID:H00235068

Eissa  Mansour Al Jabberi / ID: H00 253604

Amira Abdulla Alfardan / ID: H00247821

Fakhra Abdulla AlMazrouei / ID: H00254862
*The report:

      France has been a major power with the strong culture, wealthy history and political influence in Europe and all around the world. France is a multicultural country, the features of France show in demographic, history of culture diversity and the ethnic and minority groups, that what will show it in the next paragraphs.

 History of culture diversity in France depend on the Roman Empire and the immigration from North Africa countries especially Algeria. After the Roman Empire fall, many of European such as Germanic specific the Franks was mixed with the French people. Moreover, Algeria was part of France until 1962, then it became independent country, a lot of Algerian immigrates to France where they have some common with the French society. The demographic features of the population of France include population density and ethnicity. From 1713 to 1787 the population of France was low nearly 65000, in 18th century to 19th the population growth was quit slowly, it was low compared to the other countries, also during the First World War and the Second it decline. On the other hand after the World War II (20th) it's increased sharply. Now day's statics shows that the population is over 64million, it includes French citizen and even who born in France related to immigrant parents. Also, immigrants people from Africa and Asia with varies religions which the percentage of catholic is 83% -85%, Muslim 5% to 10%, protestant 2%- 4%, Jewish 1% -3% and the unaffiliated is 2%. The most crowded city is Paris which is the capital, Lyon, Nice and Marseille.

From the population of France there are small groups which are the Catalans, Germans, Armenians, Russians, Poles, and some others, the largest groups are Algerians (60%-70%), Moroccans (45%-55%), Tunisians (25%-35%), and Turks (15%-25%). So the main minority groups are Algeria and Moroccans who immigrants from many years ago in specific 20th century which their country became independent after all the European returned to Europe , also the most of the immigrants move to south France cities such as Nice, Monaco and saint Tropez, because its near their   country which just the middle sea separate between them also they moved to France to find better jobs and a better life in future and find more freedom, especially in education and care health sectors. They obey all the rules that the government put it for immigrants and they try to be kind with dealing with the French society.

  Besides that, minority groups have their own culture aspect, such as language, food and celebrations, most of immigrants speak French or English language, because they was learning French and English in their country, also French language marked as the third language in the European Union after English and German. Food is different from country to another, in France give a large space to accept the varied food from many cultures, there are Chinese, Indian, Moroccan and Turkish food courts which attract many people to try it and it’s a successful project, in addition, clothes of minority groups in France they don’t have freedom for wearing their traditional dress, for instance, Muslim women can’t wear "Hijaib" which it's the cover of hair, moreover celebrations for minority groups are different from France occasions, so they don’t take vocations or could celebrate in public for example, Hijra new year for Muslims.

In France there are millions of ethnic groups who are represented as minorities who searching for better life in a democratic country, but on the other side they face problems with dealing with French society members and the government, because they don’t give them all rights and freedom. For example the "Niqab" which it's a cover face for Muslim ladies and, they suffer from people treatment and many issues for that, add to that, media and society organization start to convert it to a political case which led the government to imposes fines for people who are not obeying the unjustly rule. Internationally France was highlighted by rights group Amnesty as discriminating against Muslims for demonstrating their faith especially in the field of education and employment some other cultures in France get challenges to integrate with the French society because their origins, there was one of the questionnaires that media show it was about the possibility of assimilation of cultures in France, generally the result show the expressions and discrimination that French people used to say it about ethnic group for example the idea that the government should not hire Muslim people.

   In a nutshell, France is a multicultural country with huge number of ethnic groups that live on the same land.  The governments put a lot of rules that help to organize the country and benefit the people who live in France. 



France Overview - system, power, Ethnic groups. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the world, United Nations, and World Leaders. Retrieved November 29, 2012, from  

Languages - France. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the world, United Nations, and World Leaders. Retrieved November 29, 2012, from

Minority Rights Group International : France : France Overview. (n.d.). Minority Rights Group International : Homepage : home page. Retrieved November 29, 2012, from

Jenkins, Cecil. "history of France." A History Of France. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. History Of France

Wilde, Robert . "France Demographics Profile 2012." Index Mundi - Country Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. From

McCullough , David . "France: Geography, History, Politics, and More —" Infoplease — Free Online Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, and more — N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. From   




Sunday 11 November 2012

Reflective Essay 4

 Reflective Essay-about qutations:-                                                                                                                                     

It's quit certain that quotation who said by famous people have an effect in our personality and behavior, here I chooce some quotations that I find it important and effectively one,so I hope I deal with it successfully .

to start with, once Martin Luther King Jr. said "I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the" content of their character" , this quotation means that he have hope that  America will stop treat people by their skin color and live to be better personality not the fact that they are African-American, I find it important because many people suffer from people who treat them by their skin color, this quotation support a suggestion to stop racism in many cultures ,it's an effectively and  it take a place in our heart.

Secondly, "A nations culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people", said by Mohandas Gandhi , it means that people should keep their culture of its country in their heart and spirit, this is the true live because its stems from the soul of its people, it’s a necessary thing to know that everything from the soul is true, also its important to keep your tradition and your culture when you travel or live in another country have a culture diversity ,so it’s a way to be yourself as in your country .

Thirdly, "For it is often the way we look at other people that imprison them within their own narrowest allegiances. And it is also the way we look at them that may set them free" that said by Amin Maalouf, its mean that If we stereotype a person, often they feel they must act that way. If we look at the whole person and their capabilities, perhaps they will try to live up to our expectations, it's important to not judge people from outside, or by the famous stereotypes that spread from people, it should be by inside and their personality, it's an important principle should be take a place in countries who have culture diversity, I find it an onset quotation and effectively one. 

To sum up , these quotations take a place in countries that have cultural diversity , it give an advices how to deal with different people from other country or different skin color , I hope that you learn some.

Qutations by famous peopel-table

With a partner, research the internet to find the missing categories. Write the meaning of the quotation in your own words:

Cultural Views

Speaker and Date
Dwight D. Eisenhower
(1890 - 1969)
34th president of US 1953-1961
A people* that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
* means “a race of people”
If the society work to gain privileges for them self and prefer it than principles and basics ,the system will lose the sigh
Martin Luther King Jr.
"All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality."
We all are one person, if any one get  hurt the rest will suffer same the member of body, also achieved and successes will became from group work as one
Sheikh Zayed
"He who does not know his past cannot make the best of his present and future, for it is from the past that we learn.”
Any country that doesn’t value its past, can’t appreciate its present or future. This country, thanks to God, has a rich past, does well for now and its expected future.
Mohandas Gandhi
"A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people".
Everything stems from  the soul and spirit so the culture of the country are in the heart of it people
Amin Maalouf
"Traditions deserve to be respected only insofar as they are respectable – that is, exactly insofar as they themselves respect the fundamental rights of men and women."
Traditions and culture should be respectable as fundamental right of men and women are respect
ML King Jr.
 God is not merely interested in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men .He is interested in the freedom of the whole human race.
God doesn’t care about skin color. God cares about freedom for everyone.
Desmond Mpilo Tutu
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."
Peace is never ending process it has no deadline and no finishing,  our action depend on one onother.   
Frank Borman
When you're finally up on the moon, looking back at the earth, all these differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend and you're going to get a concept that maybe this is really one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people
Looking at the earth from space, one wonders why we can’t get along decently.
Pau Casals i Defilló
"The love of one’s country is a splendid thing, but why should it stop at the border?"
Loving one or your country specific is a great thing but why this limit, love others as you love you self
DD. Eisenhower
 The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all.
If people of the world can’t get along, nothing will work.
Sheikh Zayed
"Many countries go to war and then towards reconciliation. The history of mankind is full of stories of wars between people and states that have come together after fighting for long. Why can't Arabs be like them?"
The history include lots of countries that wars happened between them ,after that they forgive and became one soul, why Arabs can't be like them
Martin Luther King, Jr.
He hopes that America can mature socially enough for the deciding factor in his kids' lives to be their character, not the fact that they are African-American



Wednesday 7 November 2012



1. on the lines below, write a definition of Ethnocentrism. Find one on the web.


Ethnocentrism is kind of judging and assuming things about other groups based on our limited experience and cultural point of view. We can find ethnocentrism in many sectors such as in politics, trading and media. The media play an important role in showing examples of ethnocentrism by movies and songs, there is a well known movie called American Wedding which it's about the grand son who is not marring a Jewish girl and it show the family conflict because his decision, the film show the Jewish ethnocentrism.


2. Read the cartoon. How is Ethnocentrism reflected in the conversation below?



Ethnocentrism reflected in the conversation by Bucky who think that his culture is
the best and the other cultures is just a lesser and freak, it kind of intolerance for his culture and disrespect the others culture.
3. Looking at the cartoon characters.
Imagine them in social situations. What kind of people would (would not) they associate with? What kind of events (movies, shows) would (would not) they prefer to go? Think of other situations.

Describe Bucky

People who are same as Bucky is a fanatical person, who think that his culture is the best, people from other culture wouldn’t associate with him and maybe from his same culture also ,because he don’t respect other cultures and he is an intolerant person. He would like a few shows that its local from his own culture also the jokes and comedy films that make fun of others.


Describe the man talking with Bucky. Let’s call him Tom

He is an open mind person, who likes to know more about other cultures, many people from different culture would like to work and co operate with him , even from his same culture ,they will respect him and his thoughts.

He would prefer to watch many kind of movie such as Indian and Arabic also cultures and traditions show from different countries.

4. Drawing Ethnocentrism.
On a separate sheet of paper, make a drawing of Ethnocentrism. You don’t have to draw well.


Monday 29 October 2012

Reflective Essay 2-Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

Reflective Essay 2

Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

It's quit certain that stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination are an effective thoughts and believe that it's interesting in any society, in this essay I will define each of them and give an example, so I hope to deal with it successfully. 

To start with, stereotype is a belief and faith that may be adopt it about specific person or groups, it based on images that it spread between society members and its well known from media such as internet, TV and phones it can be advantages and disadvantages, here is an example from my experience that many people makes fun and jokes of them, "Sudanese are lazy and Less productive" because of this stereotype many people don’t give jobs for them or give them chance to create.   

Next, the prejudice derives from Prejudge which it's a judgment about someone or group member's individuals, without out all the available facts. Sometimes it's good some times its not, for example the patient didn’t let the black doctor medication him because here colure and this is kind of racism.    

Finally, discrimination is differentiation which it's an action and attitude way of treat people unequally because of their group or believes; in example many companies prefer men to work than women because they think that women make less than men.

To sum up, these thoughts and behavior that we find it society, it's passed from generation to another and it's spread very fast between community members, it can be use for positive and negative ways, I think it’s a way of prejudgment depend in the way of thinking and the view of people, we should respect people thoughts and believe also treat them as the way we want to treat with.