Monday 29 October 2012

Reflective Essay 2-Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

Reflective Essay 2

Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

It's quit certain that stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination are an effective thoughts and believe that it's interesting in any society, in this essay I will define each of them and give an example, so I hope to deal with it successfully. 

To start with, stereotype is a belief and faith that may be adopt it about specific person or groups, it based on images that it spread between society members and its well known from media such as internet, TV and phones it can be advantages and disadvantages, here is an example from my experience that many people makes fun and jokes of them, "Sudanese are lazy and Less productive" because of this stereotype many people don’t give jobs for them or give them chance to create.   

Next, the prejudice derives from Prejudge which it's a judgment about someone or group member's individuals, without out all the available facts. Sometimes it's good some times its not, for example the patient didn’t let the black doctor medication him because here colure and this is kind of racism.    

Finally, discrimination is differentiation which it's an action and attitude way of treat people unequally because of their group or believes; in example many companies prefer men to work than women because they think that women make less than men.

To sum up, these thoughts and behavior that we find it society, it's passed from generation to another and it's spread very fast between community members, it can be use for positive and negative ways, I think it’s a way of prejudgment depend in the way of thinking and the view of people, we should respect people thoughts and believe also treat them as the way we want to treat with. 




Monday 22 October 2012

My thought and comments on video and the song

My thought and comments on video and the song


It's an awesome work and brilliant work that show as thoughts of people from different countries, which it’s a good way to know more about countries and people thoughts. Also show as some prejudice and discrimination which are based on stereotype, it appear in a funny way as jokes, that why it spread very fast and many generation know it ,this video show as some of Isms like religions bigotry, racism and classism.


This song show as some of discrimination and prejudice that its spread all over countries and many people are suffering from these stereotypes it’s a way to advice people to love each other and respect them.

All the project work about "ISMS"

*This table is a summary about what we present in the power point,down is the power point in details and pictures. 
*The power point in details



Monday 8 October 2012


LSS 2053 Course Goal 1 Revision

Answer the following revision questions in paragraphs of about 50 words each. In your answers you should use examples from your own experience where possible.

1.    Which types of Cultural Diversity exist at ADMC? Give an example from each of the ten categories in your table of ten. Say whether each one is a Challenge or a Benefit.

In ADMC there are mixing different cultures such as, Indian, Emirati, European and Arabs.
Firstly there are different religions, Hindu, Muslim and Christian this mixing religion can be a benefit to spread your religion and be many of people in Islam. secondly the language ,people speak different language so it may be a negative effect that we face difficulties in communicate and problem to understanding well on the other hand it can be a benefit , which lead you to learn new language and benefit from people who talk it like the teachers who speaking English. Thirdly the gender ADMC are except females to study in it so it help in the country economic which lead girls to work and have a job, Add to that mixing culture lead as to learn new habits from another country like chine's and Indians who have a really tasty food , finally it effect on our way of thinking and find new solution for problems also experience which help us to develop our self and the country will benefit from educated people who will develop the country in many way.

2. define and give an example of Acculturation.

Acculturation: it’s the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.

It's like adopting to the culture that around you, for example if you lived in the UK all your life and decided to move to UAE, for your rest of your life you would soon adopt the culture around you.
such as many indains in UAE who work in many sectors like education,markting and manegments


3-Explain how child-raising in different cultures can have an effect on personality.

The children can be effect by anything; for sure they will be effect by the culture around them. If the culture around them always change , for example they born in UAE then they spend a period of their life in USA then moved again to France after all they decided to back to UAE for sure  their thought, behavior and personality will be different from local people whom didn’t move a lot and suffer from culture changing around them, also their life style and their clothes wearing will be different, then maybe they will feel lost and don’t know their original culture, maybe they will fell stress and strange between their friends and don’t know trust in who .


4.Explain the difference between a “melting pot” and a “garden salad” related to immigration to a country such as UK, USA, Australia for example.

Immigration to another that means you will find another culture around you, in the past immigration to USA was meaning that you lose your original culture and be like the "Americans" that is the meaning of "melting pot" which it's mixing all the different cultures to gather and forget your own culture. But nowadays if you immigrate to any country you will keep your original culture and learn about the different culture around you and this is the meaning of "garden salad". 

5.How can Multiculturalism have a positive effect on a large company?

Mixing culture can have a positive effect, when you see around your society a lot of culture you will learn from their ideas, thoughts, technology and    different solutions for the problems .All of these will have a positive effect which will give you more experience to develop yourself and your job. After all it will help your country economic to develop and be wealthy.





Saturday 6 October 2012

week5-reflective task2/challanges and benefits essay

Reflective Task2\challenges and benefits of culture diversity


 It's quit certain that culture diversity which it's mixing nationality and culture in the same society, it’s a really interesting topic has to side advantages and disadvantages, and we will see the two effective side of culture diversity.

To start with culture diversity has some challenges that effect on our life, we face difficulties in communicate with them, because they have different languages that they speak by it, for example in colleges and university we have many teachers are not Arabic and cant speak Arabic,so we face some issues in understanding and learning the subject .Add to that traditions and habits are different from country to another, so it’s a way for spreading bad habits in our society that its available in other society such as in the way of wearing clothes like short dress and short shirts that doesn’t cover a lot of your body, moreover its legal in some country to drink  alcohols and beers, so it will attract many people to try it and then will be addicted to that and it’s a bad and dangerous thing, also it will affect our culture and some of people will forget their original culture. Furthermore culture diversity cause an increase in the population of the country, which has a negative effect such as spreading crimes, diseases and accidents for example two weeks ago in Mosufah Street there was a 200 cars accidents and the main reason was the traffic jam in the morning .

On the other hands there is many benefit and advantages of culture diversity, first its develop our way of educate and learning different languages that lead as to communicate with many different nationality ,for example many students start to learn English to be well educated and communicate with the teachers in university or colleges. Secondly, it's a way to exchange the ideas, thoughts and experience which it give a new way of thinking and solving the problems for example we benefits from many experts in technology whom help us to develop our country in a very modern way. Finally culture diversity leads the country to have a strong tourism sector, because many tourists will travel and visit the country which people all over the world know it, so they would want to discover it , also it will be a great way to develop the country economic so the country will be wealthy and people will live a safe wealthy life.

At the end culture diversity has many challenges and benefits that effect our country lifestyle ,so people have to be aware about the negative effects and get benefit from the advantages, because you can't live alone and separate the country from each other, all the world are connected to each other so be careful.  

Monday 1 October 2012

week3-week4\quiz2 what are multiculturasim


Give the opposite:

Dominant group
Combat to
Contrasted with

Culture and personality in Anthropology:

1. Anthropology: the academic study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural science, behavior, development of humans, and the social science.

2.Movement:it's like many periods that you move by it, to discover national cultures and personality, which represent many mode characters'.

3.Socailization: It’s the origin that children brought up; they find the care, the help that they need it for their behaviors, thoughts and culture values. The result is finding different personality type from different societies. Example:In United States (Dennis the menace) and (peanuts) which it's for white children and middle class.


Arab country:

In Arab country we find that childrearing depend on our religion, because it have all the plans and the ways to teach your children how to live healthy, open mind and peacefully. Add to that the culture effect in our children thought and behavior.

Europe country:
In West Country child rearing affect on the traditional habits and the type of the religion, there is a lot of company that for child care which help and support them.

5. I'm absolutely agreed, because all humans when they born are the same, they dont  know anything then they starts to discover the world after all it start to affect their thoughts and behaviors. The most affective thing is their culture and the society that they have been born and lived in it because they didn’t know any another society or choose one to live in it.

6.Our culture is made of elder people who lived here before us, so it's depending in their thought, behaviors and their way to fix the problems. All the generation takes this culture and learns the traditional habits until it comes to our generation, so for sure it will effect in our personality. The culture is the basic of our personality, because it's our birth culture.

For example: from our culture it's known that we treat our visitor very well, so generous become part of our personality.